Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Its a betrayal in a sense.

You know how sometimes your brain and heart conflict? Its the eternal question... do I do what seems sensible and will lead me to a sane, moderately happy little world, in which I am respected, the people who have done so much for me are rewarded, and everything is right, its right. Or do I go towards that path that my traitorous heart keeps showing me, where everything could be wonderful, an intense, complex, jumbled world where emotions rule and everything is highly coloured, rich, topsy turvy or just all of it together, because it could be a dream, and you can do whatever you want in a dream, right?

Whenever you get that feeling, no matter what you feel, no matter what anything or anyone says, no matter how bloody exhilarating it feels, do the thing your mind tells you. Don't even touch the heart's thing with a 20 feet long bargepole. Because when the dream ends, you are left with nothing save the memory of something so unutterably painful, which never even existed, but the memories you created, the little significant things, the feelings, the castles in the air, all of them come tumbling down, and you are left with-nothing.

So the next time it happens,remember- harden your feelings, sharpen your mind-but never, ever open your heart.

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